Will do regarding the metrx bars. Like i said those are only for in a pinch but I will look into something else. Any recommendations if I don't have time to make my own? I do have higher set/rep weeks too like 4x12. I usually try to alternate higher reps and lower weight with lower reps and higher weight and drop sets, to force muscles to adapt to various types of stress instead of plateauing. Saves a little stress on the joints for me too. I'm kinda combining the Intermediate muscle building program with the BFS program.
Had some tornadoes and severe thunderstorms come through my area and a small twister hit very close to my property. Tore off a bunch of my shingles, roof trim, and snapped 2 of my big trees in half. I had to take yesterday off from the gym to temporarily patch my roof until i can get a roofer out for a replacement estimate and start chopping up the trees before the weeds grow up too high around them. Unfortunately life doesn't stop. Kinda sucks sometimes. I've stuck with the same/similar diet; 12oz yogurt, 1.5 cups mixed berries(blueberries, raspberries, Strawberries, 1/2 cup each, 2/3 cup protein Granola. Romaine/spinach Salad with 6oz pulled chicken breast and low cal dressing for lunch. Did another spinach salad w/chicken and shrimp for dinner because I was short on time being so busy and a bit hot outside, it kinda hit the spot. Had triple scoop dymatize Iso 100 shake also, half w/dinner, half about an hour later.
Had some tornadoes and severe thunderstorms come through my area and a small twister hit very close to my property. Tore off a bunch of my shingles, roof trim, and snapped 2 of my big trees in half. I had to take yesterday off from the gym to temporarily patch my roof until i can get a roofer out for a replacement estimate and start chopping up the trees before the weeds grow up too high around them. Unfortunately life doesn't stop. Kinda sucks sometimes. I've stuck with the same/similar diet; 12oz yogurt, 1.5 cups mixed berries(blueberries, raspberries, Strawberries, 1/2 cup each, 2/3 cup protein Granola. Romaine/spinach Salad with 6oz pulled chicken breast and low cal dressing for lunch. Did another spinach salad w/chicken and shrimp for dinner because I was short on time being so busy and a bit hot outside, it kinda hit the spot. Had triple scoop dymatize Iso 100 shake also, half w/dinner, half about an hour later.