That's not bad but seems you're lacking omega 3 fats and healthy fats.I have never been one to meal prep but I always wanted to do it… I do have a basic meal for breakfast lunch pre workout meal and dinner.
Breakfast- 4 whole eggs and a whole wheat tortilla
Snack- almonds or pistachios
Lunch- salmon and broccoli or tilapia and broccoli
workout time
Dinner- some kind of red meat vegetable
I would add more healthy oils like fish oil and UDOs choice, and post workout meal needs carbs.
Something like this.
Workout + 3 caps ostazol
after workout protein shake 50 grams protein with 2 tbsp honey
30min after post workout meal/dinner:
2 cups brown rice
broccoli steamed
steak 10 oz medium
10 almonds