TLDR: new member, test levels are fucked, blasting and cruising seems to be the appropriate answer from now on.
Hey guys,
New to this form. 32 M 6’4 210lbs. I have a history of exercising sense I was 14 on and off for many years. Played collegiate sports ect.. I’ve done two cycles throughout my life. One Test only and one test and Anavar. The last cycle was around 6 years ago.
I’ve been experiencing issues for about a year now. No motivation, no sex drive (maybe a dozen erections over the last year in total), no appetite, weight loss, joint pain, depression, and the list goes on. I got blood work done in March and in July. Both showed a total testosterone of 42 and 51. Free testosterone of 4.5 and bioavalible testosterone of 9.1. My SHBG was 37.
I think this quite clearly exemplifies my issues at hand.
My doctor won’t put me on TRT and wants me to go to an endocrinologist… the same endocrinologist I went to when I was 16 due to a pituitary tumor that was removed. It shut down my test and fucked up my cortisol levels. I was on androgel and cortisol for a few years up until I was 19. My levels returned to normal and I had not had any issues with lab results or side effects until last year.
My problem with the endocrinologist I go to is that their goal is to get my test up to around 400 ng/dl and it’s generally through creams. I’m done with that shit.
I have test cyp coming via 2 sources… one from a site you guys recommend and another coming from a bodybuilding coach via a girl I’m talking to. I also have Dbol coming as well. My plan is to blast my levels into oblivion for the first 12 weeks and get back to my normal body composition. Then cruise at 200mgs a week for a bit. Blasting and cruising appear to be what the next few years of my life will entail.
I played fair and did everything I was supposed to do and my levels are fucked. It is what it is. I plan to be an active member on here and I hope this gets to some of you guys. If you’ve read this far I appreciate it.
Hey guys,
New to this form. 32 M 6’4 210lbs. I have a history of exercising sense I was 14 on and off for many years. Played collegiate sports ect.. I’ve done two cycles throughout my life. One Test only and one test and Anavar. The last cycle was around 6 years ago.
I’ve been experiencing issues for about a year now. No motivation, no sex drive (maybe a dozen erections over the last year in total), no appetite, weight loss, joint pain, depression, and the list goes on. I got blood work done in March and in July. Both showed a total testosterone of 42 and 51. Free testosterone of 4.5 and bioavalible testosterone of 9.1. My SHBG was 37.
I think this quite clearly exemplifies my issues at hand.
My doctor won’t put me on TRT and wants me to go to an endocrinologist… the same endocrinologist I went to when I was 16 due to a pituitary tumor that was removed. It shut down my test and fucked up my cortisol levels. I was on androgel and cortisol for a few years up until I was 19. My levels returned to normal and I had not had any issues with lab results or side effects until last year.
My problem with the endocrinologist I go to is that their goal is to get my test up to around 400 ng/dl and it’s generally through creams. I’m done with that shit.
I have test cyp coming via 2 sources… one from a site you guys recommend and another coming from a bodybuilding coach via a girl I’m talking to. I also have Dbol coming as well. My plan is to blast my levels into oblivion for the first 12 weeks and get back to my normal body composition. Then cruise at 200mgs a week for a bit. Blasting and cruising appear to be what the next few years of my life will entail.
I played fair and did everything I was supposed to do and my levels are fucked. It is what it is. I plan to be an active member on here and I hope this gets to some of you guys. If you’ve read this far I appreciate it.