Overhead tricep extension 50DB 3x12 superset with
Seated Bicep Curls 30 3x12
Tricep pushdown stack +35 3x10 superset with
Strict Curls 20 3x20
Cable Extensions one arm 25-10 dropset superset with
Supinated Curls 20 3 sets of each til failure
Spider Curls 20 3x12 superset with
Tricep kickbacks 20 3x15
30mins Treadmill
@n8cantrell strong in the game broOct5
Standing calf raises 330 3x8 superset with
DB RDL 60s 3x12
Laying Hamstring Curls 140 3x8 110 3x8
Seated calf raises 370 3x8
Seated Hamstring Curls 110 3x10
Standing calf raises 330 3x8
Smith machine RDL 135 3X12
Seated calf raises 330 3x10
BB RDL 135 3x12
One leg laying calf raises 50 3 x failure
60 mins treadmill 3 miles
10 mins stairmaster 600 steps
PUSH it hard I see you really going at it
how are the meals now? food share please some pics
and you did big on calf raises i see niceeee