Evolutionary.org 521 - Do your own research (Broscience is FAKE)
IronOverload.io Hardcore 28 - How steroid use evolved the past 50 years?
Evolutionary.org 518 - The KISS principle (don't over complicate steroids)
I went from 320 to 270 over the past 6 months
I need to cut down more
My ultimate goal is to get to 220 so maybe another 50 or so pounds
I’m 40 years old and have been working out off and on for a long time
Which sarms can i start using to help me ?
My next cycle is going to be a sarm cycle
I'm going to either be running rad 140 or lgd 4033. It's going to be a standard cycle but my question is how do I keep my side effects to a minimum?
I'm most worried about suppression in that sort of thing.
I am in my mid-20s and I am 218 lb
What’s Winstrol?
Stanozolol is another name for Winstrol. It is one of the most commonly used oral steroids for saleyou can buy. Now, there are also some false ideas about them. Common beliefs include that 16 weeks of cycling will leave you feeling terrific. All of this happened without any...
Would like to try anabolic steroids to look good
but the key is I also have to feel good. I like to do a lot of athletic things as well
I’m 5 ft 11 in and I weigh approximately 216 lb
my body fat is in the mid-teens
and I am 44 years old
which steroids would you recommend for my situation
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I’m looking to improve my physique overall
I can describe myself as ‘skinny fat’
I have a belly but I only weigh 170 pounds and 5’11’’
I’m 25 years old
I know gw is supposed to be the best sarm, but what else can I use?
I am trying to find dylan’s reddit sarm’s page where he goes over everything
I'm trying to learn about sarms before I use them and educate myself
can anyone point me to his information on social media so I can learn more about them
i really like their orals and injectables, decided this time to go more aggressive and get some tren. Paid off. solid as usual. ordering is smooth had no issues here. delivery was fast less than 12 days. i ordered anadrol, mast P, tren E. Excellent results 8 lb.
I'm cooking for my boyfriend who is into bodybuilding
we plan on going to the gym and then afterwards I'm going to cook him dinner for his birthday
my question to you is what is a good post-workout dinner that I can put together for him that will make him happy and has lots of protein. I thought...