fulmenpharma.com has low quality testosterone
I’ve been on 150 mg a week of it this was supposed to replace my trt dose for my doctor
I had high hopes that I was doing the right thing but after getting my blood work done by numbers are only in the 300s they should be well over at 1000 at this...
greetings everybody I’m 85 kg and around 6 ft tall
looking to get stronger and build some moderate muscle mass
my initial thoughts were using testosterone at 500 mg a week but I don’t want a lot of water retention
so my plan is 200 mg of testosterone for 12 weeks
and then using 300 mg of...
I’m looking specifically at their pharmaqo and beligas brands. They are very well priced and I would like to pick up enough for a 14 week cycle where I’m doing 600 mg a week of testosterone.
When it comes to the quality of their testosterone how would you rank it on a scale from 1 to 10?
planning a good tbol and test cycle.
Need help with this stack because frankly I am a bit confused.
I want to run tbol 40mgs a day and test 500mgs a week together.
My main goal is 12 weeks and I want to make sure I grow like a weed on it.
I’m 25 and 5’11’’ 180 pounds and 15% body fat. So average...
33 years old and 208 pounds, goals are moderate bulk
how would you run test and EQ when it comes to kickstarting with dbol?
My initial plan was to kickstart with 50mgs of dbol but seems like that’s way too much. So I think I’m just gonna stick to 20 or 30 milligrams per day and keep it simple...
goals are mostly lean bulking. I’m 35 years old and 5’10’’ 217 pounds.
I’m looking to add steroids to my cycle that I am putting together
its gonna be primo 300mgs a week and EQ 500mgs a week. 12 weeks total
how much testosterone would you add and which ester do you recommend?
Decided to do a high dose of testosterone geneza pharma cycle.
did 500mgs a week then ramped up the dose to 1000mgs a week.
Let me tell you something there wasn’t much difference at all when it came to my gains which shows how quality this product is. I ended up lowering the dose back to 500mgs...
I’m desperate to hear some thoughts on boosting my testosterone levels when it comes to low libido. One of my issues I am dealing with is libido sucks especially in the morning. Can’t get morning wood as they call it.
Any thoughts on which supplements I should try for this issue? It’s...
I’m gonna be doing a nice mass building cycle with test and anadrol.
My initial cycle was gonna be Pretty aggressive but I changed my mind and I want to run lower dosing. But I don’t want to run really low dose where it’s not going to do me any good.
I’m thinking of doing 25mgs a day of anadrol...
I’ve been working with a doctor for three years who got me on the perfect trt dose and I’ve been running 150 milligrams of testosterone and everything have been perfect
my blood work came in excellent and my testosterone levels are right where I want them.
Decided to switch to sciroxx and use...
what do you think about doing a test and anavar cycle from domestic supply?
I’m currently doing winstrol and its tearing up my joints from another source. I wanted to try DS this time and try their anavar.
Anyone try their var and how was it in terms of side effects?
Is it high quality?
I had a question about domestic Supply
I’ve decided this is going to be the first time I’ve used steroids and I’m 26 years old
what are going to be the best options when it comes to using testosterone I think I’m gonna go with 300 or 400 milligrams a week but I’m not sure which testosterone to...
I’m around 216 pounds and I’m tall and I have around 14% body fat
38 years old
I’m looking to get more lean but I don’t want to sacrifice any muscle or strength. That is why I am running another steroid cycle this will be my third time using them but the first time I’ve used them for this sort...
Hmmm.. so I injected test cyp on monday and friday of last week and the week before. Got my bloods done yesterday and the results came to me really fast
I’m on 500mgs a week and my test results only came in at 950ng/dl. I should be way higher like in the 3000’s I would think right?
Something is...
looking for some help when it comes to side effects on my current cycle which I am 5 weeks into it. I’m 24 years old and 5’10 256 pounds
I’m currently doing 1000mgs a week of test E. I’m getting a lot of side effects especially water retention in my face and a general bloated look with some...
I have some bad news on fulmenpharma. I’ve been using these guys for the past three years and I’ve been generally very happy with them but recently on a cycle I was getting some weird side effects on their testosterone. Decided to get blood work done and turns out their testosterone is fake. I’m...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #66 - How to hijack your Testosterone Levels? Euro Pharma Part 2
I’m looking to do a kickstart on my next cycle. It will be testosterone 500mgs a week. Gonna kickstart with 30mgs a day of dbol with it. My goals are bulking up.
How much of an AI would you say would be a wise choice here and do I need to start it from week 1 or should I wait to get results?
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #65 - How to hijack your Testosterone Levels? Euro Pharma Part 1