Hi guys, we are back this week with another promo, this week we are offering a 10ml vial of testosterone cypionat FREE with every order, no minimum order quantity. This promo only is valid for 1 week from today. If you have any questions feel free to ask me here or send me a DM - we also have...
hello everyone nice to meet you
I’m Chad and my stats are 5’9’’ 188 pounds and 12% body fat
goal is recomping
looking to do 3 steroids this time
EQ 400mgs
tren 200mgs
test ???
which test would you run here and how much for recomping?
I’m looking to put on a medium amount of muscle mass
would like it to be capable muscle tissue so that’s why I’m going to Primo
would like to try 500 milligrams a week along with 200mgs of testosterone
12 week cycle and then do a pct after
of 5 foot 11 inches 177 pounds and about 14% body fat
how do you stack testosterone and sarms together?
I’m 5’8’’ 188 pounds, 20% body fat
looking to get leaner. I’ve got low test levels for a 30 year old. So that is why I want to use some test.
How much testosterone would you use and which sarm would be best to use with it where it won’t interfere
looking for some opinions on my next cycle I’m on trt so I’m doing 200 milligrams a week of testosterone already
now I want to try adding NPP or tren ace
my plan is either doing 400mgs of NPP or going with 200mgs of tren ace.
What would be the main difference between the 2 and what kind of...
looking for both a baby and to use steroids
why not do both?
My plan is this:
I will use lots of Clomid and HCG while on my steroid cycle
gonna do 1000mgs a week testosterone to prevent shut down. Then 50mgs a day clomid and 1000ius 2x per week hcg
I’m 27 years old. Married 2 years. 5’10’’ 184...
so I did dbol, sustanon and testosterone
my dosing was 50mgs a day dbol
500mgs sust
250mgs a week of test cyp
I spent the eight weeks at a resort overseas and it was all you can eat free food
absolutely love the experience and all I did was eat and work out every day
long story short I developed...
So my last two cycles which were my first two I did 500 milligrams of testosterone on both and had pretty good results
however I noticed that my weight gains stalled around week 8 on both Cycles
a friend of mine said that I should increase the amount of testosterone I’m using on my next cycle...
I’m currently doing testosterone and I’m on 125mgs per week self trt
I’m 22 years old and I’m 5 foot 8
135 pounds
I’ve suffered from low testosterone over the last couple years
not interested in using steroids but would like to use sarm to continue boosting my male hormones to get my levels...
Everyone always recommends to use oral steroids to kick start your cycle but what about using testosterone propionate instead?
I would like to avoid liver problems with oral steroid so I’m looking to stick with injectables
my cycle will be this:
300mgs test prop first 4 weeks only
600mgs EQ
What do you think about stacking some testosterone and masteron as a first cycle?
I’m 28 years old and I am 5 foot 10
I weigh about 195 pounds
would like to push another 10 pounds on my frame but also harden up
was thinking about doing some testosterone along with the mast
what kind of ratio...
Heard some different things about equipoise
some people say you should use it for 10 weeks other people say you should use it a minimum of 15 weeks
in your experience what did you have most success with doing
I’m five foot eight
158 pounds
nine percent body fat
looking to put on some bulk to my size
I’m 27 years old and got my testosterone levels checked after having low energy and low libido for a couple years now
I guess I was glad to see the results my total testosterone levels are under 300 which is way below where they should be for my age according to the doctor
he said that he could...
Current stats
39 yo 6’3” 204.5 lb body fat% 13-15 currently on a caloric deficit 2350 calories see attached pictures for meal plan.
Micronutrient list includes:vitamins D,E,C,K,B complex,zinc-50 mg,broswelia extract,C3...
I’m currently doing testosterone and cruising on 200 mg a week for the next six months
instead of stacking steroids with it I would like to stack sarms
I was thinking of GW, SR and maybe some S23 too
I’m 28 years old
5’11’’ and 270 pounds. Goal is to cut down. I’m currently around 22% body fat...
I’m interested in doing a simple steroid cycle using both Primo and testosterone together
I’ve spent the past four years working out in the gym and I have some experience with steroids in my early 20’s.
Now I’m 28 years old and looking to put on good clean lean muscle mass
207 pounds and 6 foot...
Was able to take advantage of the sale and get some quality gear at a really cheap price. Quadsweep was fantastic being patient and answering my 100 questions i sent him lol
Was able to grab testosterone, equipoise, primo and anavar from para pharma. Ugreak.to also delivers fast. Was surprised...
I’ve been searching for an answer to this but there are a lot of conflicting information which I understand because everyone has different experiences. But can you give me the pros and cons of using testosterone and deca together and what dosing work for you the best?
A bit about me I’m 50 years...
Getting ready to use some testosterone 500mg a week
I’m looking to do a lean bulker
five foot 10 inches and 206 pounds and 15 percent body fat
my question is how much anavar should you be using for my particular goals here?