For those that may be interested, this would be the ultimate fat burning stack:
SYN Clenbuterol - acts on beta-2 adrenergic receptors
SYN Yohimbine - acts on alpha-2 adrenergic receptors
SYN Cardarine - Increases fatty acid oxidation
SYN HGH - Promotes lipolysis via inhibition of lipoprotein lipase
SYN Injectable L-carnitine (The most bio available form of carnitine ) also assits in fatty oxidation. However, note that this product needs to be injected everyday and does cause some post injection pain, as it is water based. So it is not for everyone.
Also - always start low as possible with Yohimbine and Clenbuterol as they can both increase heart rate, induce tremors and a rapid heart rate. Remember, always go with the lowest effective dose and titrate your dose up SLOWLY. Lastly, not everyone can handle yohimbine or clenbuterol together - some can, some cannot - so be cautious if you choose to stack these two together!