Turns out after listening to the podcast I realize I actually have been putting my body into ketosis accidently and that has to be the majority of the reason I lost so much weight so quickly. Now all I have to do is work out right after I wake up to really make it burn off. I am working 5pm to 5am and I eat around 3pm, then while working I'll eat maybe around like midnight to 2am. Then when I'm off work I'll go straight to sleep without eating and I'll be up again at 1-3pm the next day before I eat. Now I just need to workout after I wake up around 1-3pm and I'll be really cooking with Cristo. Also I may have had a vitamin deficiency because ever since I started drinking FRESH SQUEEZED and yes I mean straight from an orange not store bought, I have been feeling better and losing weight between that and fasting. Not to mention I only drink water at work and enhanced water for dinner.