Hi all thank you so much for all your answers !!! will definitely quit the booze and to I used to split up my work outs for the first near 3 years, but given my general lack of results, I though it would be better to work everything in one day, so as to give my muscle time to recover perhaps this was/is not the best idea, To answer your other questions, I pretty much entirely eat clean meat, I had my test levels checked about a year ago, everything pretty normal, I am generally pretty energetic, despite my meds, and how they effect my serotonin most people describe me as somewhat hyper. I take it from most of your replies ( again thank you very much for them and all you advice ) that steroids at my age would perhaps be a nono and a bad idea glad to know and very glad i asked you al,l as had I not I probably would have done something stupid. Mobster, recommended Sarms from Umbrella labs, Which ones exactly would you all recommend specifically, I have heard a lot of negative things about Sarms Particularly in younger folks ( such as myself ) but also heard of there impressive results and lasting gains, if you all recommend them, I will absolutely take them, any other advice on diet training i will also gladly follow and add to this log as I continue to add more to it, and will add a picture soon, I think perhaps then it will become more obvious these reason why i want to try steroids or Sarms !!! thank you all so much again and thank you for all your replies and advice thus far, I look forward to working with you all more in the future!!! and sorry for the long reply!!