@Deca_Ready we have been doing this for years bro its serious stuff here, anabolex family was just trying to help youHello well you were 100% correct and spot on about the DIY steroid powders. Just recently the last couple weeks have developed all symptoms for heart failure.
Swelling mostly in feet ankles calves and stomach. Trouble breathing putting on socks or showering completely out of breath. Just literally the last day and a half been taking OTC water pills which is helping great with sleep because couldn't even lie down period without running out of breath can do that now.
Completely stopped and getting Chinese herbs that have been successful in treating heart failure edema and heart rate.
You said "symptoms of heart failure" thats serious bro!!!!
i dont think you should self treat this, have you gone to the doctor? seriously no joke
whats your BP levels right now? pulse?