Was given CHF Congestive Heart Failure along with phnomonia sp? And kidney damage. Due to the prescription for lasix it's working the kidneys and drying the skin so far.
Went in Friday left monday afternoon swollen feet calves legs stomach and testicles were swollen scary. Weighed 277 going in and weighed 248.2 on monday morning thanks to aggressive lasix shots every 6-8 hours.
I was told from everyone that it's CHF and it's forever. Heart is operating at less than 20% on average and just over 25% on a good day and output is 17%. I had to leave early and not get everything squared like a kidney test because I was already getting behind with work so I have to follow up with everything and getting medical insurance thru my work so won't be as expensive.
Can have very little sodium and sugar with 1500ml of liquids 50oz. Sticking with bahmatti rice and red potatoes and mostly fruits.
They did EKGs car scans on my heart and legs. Three open IVs so they could put stuff in as needed. The took a lot of blood as hospital do. Hooked up to a heart monitor the time in ER and a portable heart monitor once there was a room available.
Nothing much to do except do everything the doctors told me with diet and making appointments staying strict with liquids sodium and sugar.