I’ve been training for the past 6 months and I usually go for an hour in the gym and I do full body workouts.
Usually I will do two sets 10 to 15 reps and then move on to the next one and it’s a pretty good work out where I burn a lot of calories and I’m in a full sweat
however I’m not really...
Do any of you ever experienced the situations where you put on muscle mass and you’re looking really good
and then it seems like a few weeks later your muscles are almost gone and you have a lot of water retention where you can’t even see the cuts anymore
it’s so weird my workouts literally stay...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #101 - Using Geneza Pharma gear based on different training strategies
I’m pounding my legs so hard and not seeing any growth and its frustrating me!
Was hoping you could give me some advice when it comes to building up my legs so that they can grow bigger from here.
Right now I am training them 2-3x a week and doing about 15 sets per session. Do you think I should...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #99 - Para Pharma presents keys to target setting and strength
24 years old and I strive to get into the bodybuilding world and would love to have million followers 1 day on Instagram.
Can you give me some advice on a split routine that I can put into place for the upcoming week that I can try that is more higher volume.
Right now this is what I put...
I was wondering what your most lagging body part was and be honest about it?
Not just now but also in the past and what did you do to bring that body part up to where it should be?
I’m currently dealing with some upper body parts that are lagging the rest of my body
I would like to know some...
I want to try training 7 days a week for 1 hour per session for 1 month and see how I do with this heavy type of volume
my main concern is gonna be recovery I don’t want to be sore the next day and then try to go in there and work out
with supplements can speed up recovery and help you sleep...
Currently doing CrossFit and weight training
I’m eating around 2800 calories a day and getting about 225 g of protein
I would like to get the best benefits out of my cycle and I would like to go with equipoise this time
I’m 25 years old and I’m 6’1” 218 lbs
my thoughts are going with equipoise...
I’ve been in the gym for the past couple years and I’ve been doing basic training
started out with full body exercises then switched to more split Based training
now I would like to switch to power training and powerlifting
can you give me any tips and tricks and maybe some secrets for someone...
I’ve been currently doing a moderate amount of weight training probably between 40 to 60% of my Max and I’m sticking to the 8 to 10 rep range.
I’m looking to start increasing the weight and going heavier and doing less repetitions maybe down to 4 or 5 reps. I’m looking to push maybe 75 to 80% of...
32 years old and 206 pounds and 6’4’’
I’m looking to start training for basketball and I would like to use equipoise for that purpose
I’m in an adult league and there’s a lot of substitutions and that sort of thing during the games you only get about 12 minutes of playing time so I need to take...
ever since I got into my mid-40s my body seems to be falling apart at a rapid clip.
I’m getting a lot of different side effects of over training which I don’t understand except that its related to my age.
Long story short help me with a sarms stack that will boost recovery.
I’m 6’2’’ 217 pounds...
I’m pretty new to weight training I’ve been doing it for the past two years but not very serious.
Maybe I’ll hit the gym once or twice a week but I’ve been mostly playing basketball and other sports
now I want to up my game and focus more on weight training and bodybuilding
what do you think...
I’ve been training in the gym for the past six months
one of the things I don’t notice is pumps. Not sure if it’s because I’m new to it or I’m doing something wrong
I’m looking to increase the pumps while I am training
are there any supplements that you recommend to help with this that I can...
been working out for 6 months religiously, but 10 years off/on.
One of the things that has always been lagging are my calves
what are some must do exercises that can help improve my calves and get them bigger
I feel like they’re lagging because maybe I’m not training them the correct way but I’m...
Right now I’m training four times a week and I think that my results have been pretty good but I would like to add a fifth day reserved just for core work. Does anyone on here do something like that?
The workouts I would like to focus on on that core day our plank, box pushups, ab crunch...
I have been weight training for the past 25 years I’m a big guy I’m 265 pounds and very strong in the weight room.
Recently I got a scan done and I have some heart issues going on including a heart murmur. Doctor said that I need to get my blood sugar lower to reduce my chance of getting a...
I’m looking to do more strength training over the next year and would like to start transitioning to eating some pre-workout meals ahead of it.
Seems like in the gym when I ask guys what they eat pre-workout they give me some weird looks which is odd because I would think that nutrition was an...
I’m wondering how many of you have seen the Jay Cutler videos where he is training. Seems like he goes balls to the wall and goes Super heavy and goes to failure on every set.
I’ve been training for the past two years and my progression has not been that great. But I thought to myself if he’s...