Friday Close Grip Bench Press
All lifts to the top weights were FAST. 120kg x 1, 140kg x 1 and then 162.5kg/367.5lbs x 1, 1 and then a PB 3 reps (never done this with 162.5kg before)
Mid Iso Row
to 100kg x 8 reps. Once I got ready to work it flew
No time for grip work
Bwt: up again !! 325lbs
So bodyweight and strength increase. Little to no changes from the diet. Heck I was UNDER a bunch of times what a person of my size etc ought to have been hitting. It was even hard to get it all in a for a few days although that's got better. How many of you were 'up your protein'? So many. Again, with 1-2 exceptions I've hit my increased output via more steps per day. I had, as many do on a diet, initial water/glycogen drops (327.5 to 320) in a week. My weight belt is easier to put on. I have to re-tighten the shorts (wear shorts for months at a time at this time of year).
So I'm eating less, doses of PEDs (EOD 1.5ml/225mg of the Para Pharma Cut 150 have stayed consistently the same, and I'm doing more cardio. Yet I'm UP in weight again and hit a rep PB on one exercise. Proof, if ever it was needed, that Tren does crazy things (even at 75mg EOD) and that we don't all respond exactly the same. But especially proof of 'calories in vs calories out' needs a rethink. Cos I'm less in than usual, more out than my usual and I'm growing
tren is a different animal. but i'm glad you are using it. i remember you said on the podcast with steve you never used it before, so now you have some experience that is good